Quest Nutrition Protein Bars, Pack of 12

Quest Nutrition Protein Bars, Pack of 12

Quest Nutrition Protein Bars, Pack of 12

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Superfoods for Migraines

Superfoods for Migraines

Migraines and cluster headaches: whatever the label, the pain and side effects can be intense! In addition to traditional treatMents, including more of the following "superFoods" can help.

What are superFoods? Well, they're not exactly suppleMents--although some supplement companies have begun to market "extracts" of various superFoods. By definition, superfoods are whole foods or oils that offer exceptionally high doses of nutrition. People call them "super" in part because of their benefits and in part due to their origins. Most superfoods are not new; rather, they've been used by powerful ancient cultures and only recently rediscovered by the West. Although some scientists and many raw foodists credit superfoods with amazing regenerative and protective abilities for almost any health issue, this article discusses superfoods for special consideration by those who suffer migraines and/or cluster headaches.

Cacao (kuh-COW): Commonly marketed as raw cacao or raw chocolate, this "food of the gods" actually became monetary currency in the Aztec empire! Conventional wisdom tells those with migraines to avoid chocolate as a major trigger food. While some people do have sensitivities to chocolate, most people actually react to the typical dAiry and refined sugar in cooked chocolate bars. Raw cacao, by contrast, offers seven times the antioxidants of its cooked version, without the offending dAiry and sugar. More importantly for those with migraines, raw cacao contains one of the highest sources of magnesium in any food. Magnesium acts as the relaxing counterpart to calcium and helps to balance brain chemisty. In fact, many migraine sufferers manage to stave off headaches by consuming large quantities of magnesium supplements. Magnesium can also help with PMS, another known trigger of migraines. In addition to magnesium, raw cacao offers caffeine (which seems to affect the body less intensely in its raw form). Some people with migraines find that judicious use of caffeine can curtail a headache before it becomes a full blown episode. Most prescription migraine pills contain some form of caffeine. From a nutritional standpoint, raw cacao certainly beats a Pepsi! If you know for sure that chocolate causes a reaction, skip the raw cacao, but otherwise it could be worth a (delicious) try. Add cacao nibs or powder to morning smoothies, or make raw fudge by mixing the powder with coconut butter, raw agave nectar or honey, and some of the other superfoods listed below. As with any new food, start small so you can monitor your reactions.

Maca (MAH-kuh): Also known as "Peruvian viagra," maca is a root grown at 14,000 feet in the Andes Mountains. Despite its fame for keeping Peruvian men virile into their 80's, maca actually functions as an adaptogen, meaning it balances all hormones. If someone has too much estrogen, maca works to lower estrogen levels. If another person has too little estrogen, maca helps the body bring those levels back to optimal levels. Maca also nourishes the adrenal glands, helping the body handle some of the stress that so often triggers cluster headaches and migraines. Maca grows in some of the most inhospitable conditions on earth, but it has learned to flourish where other plants die. Natives believe that the root transfers this strength and adaptability to those who consume it: "You are what you eat!" Metaphysics aside, maca's high mineral content, B-vitamins, protein, fatty acids, and plant sterols allow it to rebuild the body wherever it most needs help--good news for people whose headaches come from stress or hormonal imbalance. Maca tastes a bit like radish, so you don't want to add too much to sweet smoothies. It blends exceptionally well with cacao, though, and I always enjoy a morning glass of fresh squeezed lemon juice in water with about a teaspooon of maca. The lemon brings out maca's hidden sweetness, making a surprisingly zesty lemonade.

Hemp: No, I'm not talking about marijuana, even though some people do employ cannabis for medicinal purposes. You can now find hulled hemp seeds, hemp butter, hemp protein powder and hemp oil at alternative health food stores and in many online shops. Despite virtually no THC content (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana), the U.S. government prohibits the sale of hemp seeds ready for sprouting, so you can only legally buy hulled ones or hemp products, most of which seem to come from Canada. Nonetheless, hemp has experienced a major resurgence in recent years as people have rediscovered what ancient Europeans knew so long ago. Hemp supports the immune system and contains edestin, the protein most easily assimilated by humans--good news for people who react to protein powders made from soy or dAiry (whey). Hemp seeds, butter and oil also contain the perfect ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, thought to help balance hormones and brain chemistry. In addition, the green color of hemp comes from chlorophyll, which differs only by one atom from hemoglobin. (Hemoglobin forms around an iron atom, whereas chlorophyll forms around that beneficial magnesium atom.) Purifying the blood with chlorophyll-rich foods like hemp, wheat grass and leafy greens can alkalinize the body, which, in turn, eases stress responses like migraines and cluster headaches. Hemp protein powder tastes a bit gritty, but the butters, oil and seeds carry a pleasant, slightly nutty sensation that combines especially well with raw cacao and maca. You can also replace the bulghur wheat (gluten is a major migraine trigger) in foods like tabouli with hemp seeds, or use hemp butter as a nutritious replacement for another common trigger--peanut butter.

Yerba Mate (YUR-buh MAH-tay): For those people who know they need to kick the coffee habit but simply can't forgo their cuppa Joe, Yerba Mate offers a good substitute. Another highly mineralized South American food, Yerba Mate tastes somewhat similar to coffee, but instead of depleting the adrenal glands, it nourishes them with B-vitamins, 15 amino acids, 11 polyphenols (like in green tea and red wine) and, you guessed it: more magnesium and chlorophyll. Whereas coffee provides a caffeine jolt, mate's energy comes from the B-vitamins, blood purifying properties and a component called mateine. Unlike caffeine, mateine gives a lift without the crash. Some independent coffee houses now serve soymilk "mate lattes," or you can brew the tea at home. For best results, warm but don't boil the water, then let the tea steep for 5 minutes. You can then add hemp milk and essential oils like peppermint with a hint of raw cacao powder, creating your own minty mocha. Yerba Mate also brews well as a sun tea, mixed with orange peel or traditional chai tea spices. A favorite of shamans, Yerba Mate offers a traditional, nutritional alternative to coffee, along with minerals and nutrients thought to support hormonal balance and alkalinity.

In short, these superfoods bring trace minerals, potent nutrients, and a bit of folklore. As foods rather than drugs, they gradually rebuild and support the body, instead of generating a "quick fix." If you'd like a holistic approach to treating migraines or cluster headaches and haven't responded to "newfangled cures," you might want to explore some ancient culinary treats.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Cookies And Allergies To Wheat Gluten

Cookies And Allergies To Wheat Gluten

As we all know that most cookies are made from wheat flour but unfortunately there are some people that have formed allergies to wheat gluten, well now what is wheat gluten, according to Dr Harris Steinman wheat gluten is the elastic, rubbery protein present in wheat, rye, barley and to a lesser degree in oats. It binds the dough in Foods such as bread and other baked goods. It contributes to spongy consistency. Rice and maize do not contain gluten.

However, gluten is only one protein found in wheat, rye and barley. These Foods, like all other foods, contain a number of discreet proteins that all can result in adverse reactions, including allergies.

For example, wheat protein comprises 4 main groups of proteins: water-soluble, salt-soluble, alcohol-soluble and alcohol-insoluble. The major proteins in wheat-albumin, globulin, gliadin and glutenin (gluten)-vary in proportion according to the type of wheat.

Is it necessary to make cookies from only wheat flour, no it is not there are cookie recipes using rice flour which is gluten free and also maize starch, lupine flour alone or even the maize starch and lupine flour in combination.

If you are a person who has a allergy to peanuts do not use lupine flour because you will begin to itch and swell from it, there are a lot of different flours on the market today that you can in the making of your cookies and cookie recipes.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Peanut-Free, Gluten-Free Recipes Lead to Healthy Lifestyle

Peanut-Free, Gluten-Free Recipes Lead to Healthy Lifestyle

Gluten - free recipes are the need of the hour, where obesity and related diseases afflicting our population at an unprecedented rate.

What is gluten?

Gluten is a combination of vegetable proteins contained in wheat products and other products, barley or oats. Important Gluten is responsible for the production of flour and determined to make cakes, bread, crusts, and many otherFoodstuffs.

Adverse effects of gluten

Most people can easily digest, but there are some who completely as people with celiac disease can not digest gluten. If you take the protein, it is an immune reaction in the small intestine, ruined his Food. The intestine is flattened and has many symptoms of gas, diarrhea and bloating, weight loss, etc. Therefore, include items such as baked goods, beer, Pasta, sandwiches and othereliminated from the diet of people with celiac disease.

People suffering from gluten sensitivity may also encounter 'dermatitis herpetiformis', an itchy, blistering skin disorder. In addition, it is speculated that people with Autism may be at risk by gluten, so a diet free of the gluten protein may offer respite to such population.

Benefits of Gluten Free Recipes

Gluten free recipes are often low in carbohydrates. Free from Gluten bread is basically made from brown rice flour, so refined carbohydrates are restricted. Therefore, given the negative stigma linked with a diet packed with refined carbohydrates, people adherent to gluten-free recipes can enjoy numerous health benefits encompassing significant weight loss, reduced cholesterol and catapulted stamina. Similarly if you are allergic to peanut your Food choices would be limited.

Sticking to free from gluten or peanut free recipes can be quite a tough task, considering proper diet alteration means eliminating several common foods. But there are several substitutes available in the market now, which can satiate your palate in addition to keeping you fit and healthy. Of them pumpkin seed is the ideal, healthy and tasty food option.

Gluten Free, Peanut Free Pumpkin Seed Recipes - A Gateway to Healthy Living

Whether the reason is a diagnosis of celiac disease, a peanut or gluten intolerance, or some other concern about gluten intake - the bottom line is you need to alter your food choices. What better can be your choice than pumpkin seed recipes! Such recipes are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals offering only health and fitness.

Such recipes are also acknowledged as gluten free and peanut free recipes with oodles of nutrients. Most importantly, peanut free and gluten-free recipes are great in taste as well. Packed with vitamin E, omega-3, zinc, omega-6 fatty acids incorporating pumpkin seed recipes into your regular diet could be the ideal way to stick to gluten free and peanut free recipes.