Quest Nutrition Protein Bars, Pack of 12

Quest Nutrition Protein Bars, Pack of 12

Quest Nutrition Protein Bars, Pack of 12

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Oats and the Glycemic Index - Time to Get Healthy!

Oats and the Glycemic Index - Time to Get Healthy!

 The Glycemic Index is a scale applied to foods based on how quickly the glucose in foods is absorbed into the blood stream, relative to pure glucose. Some nutrition professionals use the glycemic index as a tool for people trying to control blood sugar, such as those with diabetes.[ref. Science Daily 2007] All foods that contain carbohydrates, such as starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn), desserts, fruits, bread, pasta and rice, can be tested for how they affect blood sugar levels after being eaten.

Oats and the Glycemic Index - Time to Get Healthy!

Glycemic index variations occur in the average person, the diabetic and the non-diabetic. These variables can change the glycemic response to a food or meal by as much as 100 percent. The Glycemic Index uses a scale of 0 to 100, with higher values given to foods that cause the most rapid rise in blood sugar. Pure glucose serves as a reference point and is given a Glycemic Index (GI) of 100. Steel cut oats rate 42 on the glycemic index, old fashioned rolled oats ranking in at 50. In addition to steel cut oats, whole grain breads, veggies and most fruits are relatively low on the Glycemic Index. Oats are most often used as oatmeal, flakes or rolled oats. They are rich in starch and protein and are used in oatmeal, cake, cookies and breakfast cereal. Oats are cold tolerant and will be unaffected by late frosts or snow.

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

Oats and the Glycemic Index - Time to Get Healthy!

Typically 2 bushels are sown per acre either broadcast or drilled in 6-inch rows. Oats are the third leading cereal crop produced in the United States (after wheat and corn) and the fourth most important crop worldwide. They were once considered a weed that grew right with the barley and wheat. Oats are the seeds of a cereal grain, which has been cultivated for food for thousands of years. Early humans just ate the whole seeds after the inedible hull had been removed, typically stewing them for extended periods of time to make gruel. Oats are high in vitamin B-1 and contain a good amount of vitamins B-2 and E. Oats are sometimes mixed with other forages, but mixtures seem to be rarer than pure-stand oats, probably because oat-legume mixtures are often more difficult to manage. The aim of the mixture may be to improve the overall quality of the forage or to prolong the production season.

Oats and the Glycemic Index - Time to Get Healthy!

Oats and the Glycemic Index - Time to Get Healthy!

Oats are typically grown in cool environments. The highest yields are had in the United Kingdom, where cool moist summers (combined with good farming) make the ideal climate for oats. Oats are often grown on the same fields or milled in mills that grow or mill other grains. Oats are often processed in the same mills as wheat and other gluten containing grains and may get contaminated, making the product unsafe for consumption by a celiac requiring a gluten-free diet for life. Oats are high in fiber (10 to 15%) and are too bulky to constitute a major portion of the diet for most classes of swine, especially for young, growing pigs. The average energy value of oats is given as 80% of the energy value of corn. Oats are consumed mainly as a breakfast food, snack product, or bran form in this country. Before oats are milled, the hulls are removed leaving the oat groat. Oats have been in cultivation for over 4,000 years beginning to carve a niche for themselves in Europe approximately 3,000 years ago. Oats are high in mineral content and also in several vitamins. Formerly fed mostly to horses, oats are now used as feed for dairy cattle and poultry as well. Oats are a good source of essential vitamins such as thiamin, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid and vitamin E. They also contain zinc, selenium, copper, iron, manganese and magnesium.

Oats are a good source of B Vitamins, which are critical for your body to utilize energy, and are important for the production of red blood cells, which deliver oxygen to your body. Vitamin E is also used in the formation of red blood cells as well as the maintenance of bodily tissues. Oats are easy to grow with equipment and techniques used for wheat. Introduction of multicut varieties has reinforced the popularity of oats as fodder, but continuous breeding efforts are necessary to maintain disease resistance. Oats are also used for acute or chronic anxiety, excitation and stress, weak bladder, connective tissue disorders, gout, kidney ailments, skin diseases and as a tonic. Oat straw is used for the flu, swine flu, coughs, abdominal fatigue, bladder and rheumatic disorders, eye ailments, frostbite, gout, impetigo, and metabolic diseases. Oats are also used in some brands of dog and chicken feed. Steel-Cut oats are inherently full of nutritional value and are high in B-Vitamins, calcium, protein and fiber while low in salt and unsaturated fat.

One cup of Steel-Cut oatmeal contains more fiber than a bran muffin and twice as much fiber as Cream of Wheat. Steel cut oats take longer to cook than traditional oats - sometimes as long as 30 minutes. However, the time can be greatly cut down if the oats are soaked overnight in half or all the cooking liquid. Steel-cut oats are raw, but they are not alive and fresh. Steel-cut oats are oat groats that have been chopped into smaller pieces and retain bits of the bran layer. Since the bran layer, though nutritious, makes the grains tough to chew and contains an enzyme that can cause the oats to go rancid, raw oat groats are often further steam-treated to soften them for a quicker cooking time (modern "quick oats") and to denature the enzymes for a longer shelf life. Steel cut oats are whole, crushed grains of oat which has been cut into smaller pieces. Steel cut oats are less processed and have a nuttier flavor. Steel-cut oats may be substituted in recipes where rolled oats would ordinarily be used-from oatmeal to breads, cookies or bars. Steel-cut oats offer a chewier and a firmer final product. For diabetics in particular, oatmeal should be a staple but we all should be having oats on a regular basis.  

Oats and the Glycemic Index - Time to Get Healthy!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Beans Are Good Food

Beans Are Good Food

Beans are known as poor man's meat and they've nourished the world since the beginning of time. Dried beans, also known as legumes, are packed with nutrients. They are also advanTAGeous because once dried, beans are almost imperishable; therefore they have a long shelf life.

Beans Are Good Food

Beans Are Good Food

Beans Are Good Food

Beans Are Good Food

Beans Are Good Food

There are many types of beans: black beans, great northern beans, lima beans, kidney beans, navy beans, pinto beans, mung beans, fava (or broad) beans, garbanzo beans (or chick peas), cannelloni beans and black eyed peas. Nutritionally speaking they are all powerhouses of energy, vitamins and minerals. They are good sources of protein, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Most are also fat-free, and unless canned, low in sodium. They are also a very good source of fiber. They even offer a small amount of calcium (about 40-80 milligrams per cup).

How can you incorporate more beans into your diet? Try this:

ß When dining out at salad bars, include some garbanzo beans or a three-bean salad in your green salad.

ß When making soups and salads at home, add beans.

ß Add an extra can of beans to your chili recipe.

ß Using canned beans does up the sodium but if you drain and rinse them, they are a convenient way to use beans for soups or dips.

ß The next time you make potato salad, add a rinsed can of navy beans to the bowl and mix.

ß Beans and Rice is a classic dish and a wonderful accompaniMent to Tex-Mex dishes or can serve as a main meal. If you have leftover ham or Pork, you can add cubed pieces to a rice and bean mixture for extra flavor.

Seek out some low fat bean recipes and enjoy these nutritional powerhouses. Try the quick and easy recipes below to help you include some nutrient-packed beans into your diet this summer.


15-ounce can navy beans or white kidney beans, rinsed and drained

1 teaspoon lemon juice

3 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped

1 to 3 cloves garlic, chopped

3 strips bacon, cooked crisp, drained and crumbled

3 tablespoons bleu or Gorgonzola cheese

dash of pepper or paprika if desired

Put drained beans into Food processor; add lemon juice, parsley, and garlic. Mix until well blended. Remove from processor into small bowl. Mix in bacon and cheese, sprinkle with paprika and serve with pita chips, or whole-wheat crackers. Can be made ahead, keep refrigerated.


2/3 cup water

2/3 cup uncooked instant rice or instant brown rice

1 teaspoon vegetable oil

1 cup chopped onion

1/2 cup chopped celery

1/2 cup diced green bell pepper

3 cloves garlic, minced

1 cup coarsely chopped tomato

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper (add more for more heat)

1/4 teaspoon ground cumin

1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro or parsley

15-ounce can black beans, drained

1/2 cup (2 ounces) shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese or shredded cheddar-jack cheese

cubed ham, if desired

Boil water in saucepan, stir in rice. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 5 minutes or until liquid is absorbed.
Heat oil in skillet coated with Cooking spray over medium heat. When hot, add onion, celery, bell pepper, and garlic; sauté 5 minutes until tender. Add chopped tomato, salt, crushed red pepper, and cumin; sauté 2 minutes.
Stir in cooked rice, cilantro and black beans (and ham if using); cook 1 minute or until thoroughly heated. Divide bean mixture between four plates, garnish with shredded cheese.

Beans Are Good Food

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Are You Allergic to Cigarette Smoke?

Are You Allergic to Cigarette Smoke?

Is just one breath of smoke enough to ruin your day? As soon as the person next to you lights up, the first thing to cross your mind is the unpleasant memory of your last clash with secondhand smoke and the runny nose, sneezing, and congestion that followed. For some, the reaction to cigarette smoke closely resembles an allergic reaction, which leads them to believe that they have "smoke allergies".

Are You Allergic to Cigarette Smoke?

Are You Allergic to Cigarette Smoke?

Are You Allergic to Cigarette Smoke?

Are You Allergic to Cigarette Smoke?

Are You Allergic to Cigarette Smoke?

There are a lot of "smoke allergy" myths that actually make it harder to properly treat your condition. This article will help you tell if determine whether you are affected by "smoke allergies" and what you can do to better protect yourself from the illnesses associated with smoke exposure.

#1 Myth: "Allergic to Smoke"

No one is really allergic to smoke. A large number of people insist that they are allergic to smoke created by cigarettes or cigars, but the truth is that they have having an allergy-like reaction due to other health conditions. Understanding exactly why you feel like you are having allergy attack when around a smoker is the key to understanding how to prevent future symptoms.

Why do I say that there is no such thing as a smoke allergy? Because technically smoke is not an allergen - but it is an irritant. This little difference explains why most people feel no relief when they take antihistamine allergy medicine after exposure to smoke. The key to avoiding the problems caused by cigarette smoke is determining what type of sensitivity you have and how best to treat it.

Who is Prone to "Smoke Allergies"?
Children and Infants Elderly Persons People with allergy history (anyone with allergies, asthma, eczema, etc) People exposed to heavy smoke for long periods of time

Sometimes people who are sensitive to tobacco smoke will also experience allergy-like symptoms when they encounter strong odors, perfumes, weather changes or temperature changes.

Symptoms of Cigarette Sensitivity

For some people, exposure to tobacco smoke can cause a list of symptoms:
Sneezing Coughing Watery, burning eyes Runny nose Post nasal drip Congestion Shortness of breath Headache

These symptoms appear shortly after exposure to cigarette smoke and last for hours afterward. In addition to these symptoms, people who are in smoky environMents on a daily basis are more likely to experience constant respiratory infections like sinusitis and bronchitis as well as the developMent of wheezing and asthma.

Tobacco Smoke Exposure

A lit cigarette is capable of releasing over 4,000 different chemicals into the Air (80 of these are known or suspected carcinogens). Sometimes avoiding situations where people are smoking is almost impossible. Often a family member will smoke indoors, or a public place like a bar or restaurant will allow smoking. Depending on the severity of your reaction, just the smell of smoke on someone's Clothing or in a room where someone had smoked can cause irritation. So, even though avoidance of tobacco smoke is the best method to prevent "smoke allergies", it may not be a practical solution.

Two Main Types of Smoke Sensitivity

The best way to treat your "allergy" to smoke is by first identifying what sort of sensitivity you are experiencing. There are two forms of smoke sensitivity:
Smoke Aggravating Underlying Allergies: your body is weakened by smoke and begins reacting to all the tiny bits of pollen, dust and dander that usually would not have been a problem. Vasomotor Rhinitis: this is a condition that has the exact same symptoms as allergic rhinitis (or nasal allergies), but cannot be treated by antihistamine allergy medicine.
Smoke-Aggravated Allergies:
An allergen is a small particle that is made up of proteins that the body mistakes for a dangerous intruder like a virus or other germ. Smoke contains tiny tar ash particles (you can see these particles in the form of a white cloud created by burning tobacco). But tar ash particles are not the same as a true allergen because they are not protein based, but a form of carbon.

Instead of being TAGged as an allergen, smoke particles are classified as an irritant. Irritants can cause you quite a bit of discomfort, worsen illnesses like asthma and allergies, and cause other serious health problems. So, in medical terms, no one can really be allergic to smoke, but they can suffer complications to their existing allergies or other illness.

If you have allergies or allergic asthma, smoke can trigger an allergic reaction because it is putting an extra strain on your body and immune system. The speck of cat dander drifting through the Air that would not have normally set off a violent reaction; but with the addition of tobacco smoke, your body can no longer handle the allergens. Asthma becomes dangerous when mixed with exposure to tobacco smoke-even deadly for some.

You are likely to experience complications to existing allergies if:
You know that you are allergic to other things like pollen, pets, mold or dust mites. You have eczema or Food allergies.

Avoid as many situations as you can where you are exposed to smoke. See an allergist to optimize your existing allergy treatment, or see if you have developed new allergies. Run an Air purifier to reduce the number of allergens in the air. Even a smaller, portable air Filter like a home smoke eater is effective at removing allergens in guest rooms of smoking family members.
Vasomotor Rhinitis:
Vasomotor Rhinitis is a form of inflammation and irritation of the nasal area as well as the throat and eyes. Seasonal or indoor allergies are called "allergic rhinitis". This condition is different from the allergic type because it is not caused by allergens. For this reason, Vasomotor Rhinitis is sometimes called "non-allergic rhinitis". It causes many of the same symptoms that an allergic reaction would, but is caused by highly sensitive or excessive amounts of blood vessels in the delicate tissue of the sinus area. The symptoms you experience are trigger by your nervous system rather than allergens.

What this means is while another person may be able to tolerate cigarette smoke, a person with vasomotor rhinitis will experience a lot of discomfort with the same amount of smoke. So you are not overreacting when you complain about even small amounts of smoke - these small amounts REALLY ARE affecting you more severely than those around you.

In addition to cigarette smoke, often strong odors or weather conditions will also cause symptoms, so you may find that many aspects of your environment cause allergy-like symptoms. Some people even have allergic rhinitis and vasomotor rhinitis simultaneously.

You are likely to have vasomotor rhinitis if:
You are highly sensitive to other elements like perfume, strong odors, changes in weather, changes in temperature, or even spicy Foods. Walking into a slightly warmer (or cooler) room makes your nose runny or painfully stuffy. Antihistamine medications do not alleviate the symptoms.

Avoid as many situations as possible where your condition might be aggravated. This includes smoke, as well as some other vasomotor rhinitis triggers like wearing perfume, burning scented candles, etc. Talk to your doctor about treatment options. Some over the counter medications like oral decongestants and saline nasal sprays may offer you some relief. Some prescription medications that have been proven effective are antihistamine nasal sprays (as opposed to oral antihistamines which typically have no effect on vasomotor rhinitis), anti-drip anticholinergic nasal sprays and corticosteroid nasal sprays. Limit your exposure to smoke and smoke odor as this is often the cause of many vasomotor rhinitis cases. Use an air purifier like a home smoke eater to minimize airborne pollutants.
A Note to Those with Existing Allergies:

Inhaling even small amounts of smoke over a long period of time can actually cause you to develop new allergies or even asthma. In young children, second hand tobacco smoke inhalation greatly increases the likeliness of developing allergies when they get older. If you live with a smoker, you are likely to have more cases of bronchitis, pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections, and other respiratory illnesses.
The best thing you can do for yourself make your living space a zero-tolerance smoke area. If this is not an option, you might want to consider an air purifier as an investment in your health.

Some of the symptoms of sinusitis (sinus infection) can closely resemble the vasomotor rhinitis and allergic rhinitis described in this article. Be sure to see your doctor to help you diagnose your condition if tobacco smoke has you feeling under the weather.

Remember: always be sure to talk to your doctor or allergist about your symptoms and treatment.

Are You Allergic to Cigarette Smoke?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

5 Easy Microwave Egg Recipes For Students

5 Easy Microwave Egg Recipes For Students

Being a student means you have very little time or money to spend on your Food. Heres five simple egg recipes that you can do in your microwave oven. Using your microwave will not only save you time but also use less energy and can provide you with some great nutritious meals.Eggs are simple and easy to cook, they have great nutritional value and will help retain you through those long evenings of study. Because they are full of protein they are a great source for athletes to help build up muscle.

5 Easy Microwave Egg Recipes For Students

5 Easy Microwave Egg Recipes For Students

5 Easy Microwave Egg Recipes For Students

5 Easy Microwave Egg Recipes For Students

5 Easy Microwave Egg Recipes For Students

1; Scrambled eggs;
This is probably the easiest thing to cook in a microwave.

Take one egg and crack it into a microwave safe container. Add about a tablespoon of water or milk and whisk the two together and put them in your microwave oven. Cook on full power for50 seconds or 1/2 power for 1and a half minute. Remove from your microwave and stir with a fork. Leave this to stand for two minutes and in less than five minutes you will have light fluffy scrambled eggs.

2. BreakFast English Muffins;

Take a microwave cup and melt some butter in it for about 15 seconds. Swish the butter around the cup [this helps to stop the egg from sticking to the cup] crack an egg into the cup and microwave on full power for 45 seconds. Be careful though to check the power of your microwave and adjust your Cooking time appropriately as the egg may explode. Cook some bacon on a microwave griddle until your happy that its cooked right for you. Butter an English muffin add the bacon, a slice of cheese and the egg and blast your microwave on full power foranother 15 seconds. You have a great breakFast muffin in little time that will keep you going through the morning.

3. Garlic cod with eggs;

Take a small piece of cod, between two and four ounces and place it in a microwave safe dish and add a clove of chopped garlic. Cover this with a microwave microwave safe cover or wrap. Cook on full power for about a minute. Whisk two or three eggs together and pour them over the Fish cook on full power for a further two minutes. Take out of the microwave and leave to stand for two minutes. This makes a great filling and healthy meal for you to enjoy and will impress your friends.

4. Fridge omelette;

Take all those left over bits of veg, ham, bacon and any other left overs in your fridge. Put them in a microwave dish and add twoor three eggs and cook on full power for one and a half minutes. This should use up your left overs to give you a tasty fun snack.

5. Meringue with mars bar sauce.

Take-two egg whites and add sugar or sweetener, whisk the two together until the mixture turns into white peaks. Butter a microwave dish and spoon into three or four blobs of of the mixture. Microwave on full power until it puffs up. Take out of the microwave and leave to finish Cooking through. Chop up a mars bar and put it in a microwave safe bowl. Cook on full power until it melts. Pour the sticky mess over the puffed up meringues and consume rapidly. Be careful as the melted mars will be very hot.

5 Easy Microwave Egg Recipes For Students

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Free Raw Recipe-Best Raw Food Bars Recipe

Free Raw Recipe-Best Raw Food Bars Recipe

If you're looking for a good or the best raw Food bars recipe or have had problems making bars in the past, here is the best way to make raw Food bars. When I first starting making raw foods many years ago, I had a problem finding the right consistency when trying to make raw bars. They were either too sticky or wouldn't hold together. They would fall apart and be nothing like the bars you buy. I wondered what the secret was.

Free Raw Recipe-Best Raw Food Bars Recipe

Free Raw Recipe-Best Raw Food Bars Recipe

Free Raw Recipe-Best Raw Food Bars Recipe

Free Raw Recipe-Best Raw Food Bars Recipe

Free Raw Recipe-Best Raw Food Bars Recipe

After trying dozens of recipes with disappointMent, I did my own experiMenting and found the best proportion of ingredients. Using nuts and dates to find a basic recipe, this one holds together nicely. Part of the secret is mixing 2 process.

I used Brazil nuts and cashews. Brazil nuts are hard nuts soshould be ground to a finer grind to protect your teeth.

This easy recipe is quick although you'll want to refrigerate it or put it in the freezer for awhile before you take the bars from home.

One of the problems in the consistency is that your dates may be different sizes. I use medjools but even those vary in size. So you may have to make some adjustments if they don't turn out perfectly. But I've made these many times and they have always turned out great.

For my best raw food bars recipe:

Ingredients: 2 cups raw Brazil nuts, 2 cups raw cashews, 8 medjool dates, sea salt and lemon juice.

Put 1 1/2 cups of the raw Brazil nuts in a food processor and grind or pulverize into very small pieces, about the size for pesto. Does not have to beperfect. They will be different sizes and some will be very fine. This is good because it's a hard nut. Then add 8 pitted medjool dates, they must be medjools. The fresher the better. Older dates may be drier. Then mix in the dates to form a dough but don't overmix.

Then add 1/2 cup more of Brazil nuts and 2 cups raw cashews. Cashews are a softer nut and can be various very small chunks and some fine. No big chunks. Add a pinch of sun-dried sea salt and a squirt of fresh squeezed lemon juice and grind for a few seconds until mixed. The cashews should be ground fAirly late with some chunks. Feel the dough or mixture to see if it holds together. It'll be a little sticky and it'll set up in the refrigerator.

Now you can also add goji berries or other dried fruit if you like or alittle shredded coconut just until mixed in. Don't overmix.

Spread the dough into an 8, 9 or 10 inch square dish or 10 inch corning ceramic dish, depending on the thickness you want. You can also form the dough into balls. Place in the freezer for an hour or the refrigerator for a couple of hours or more. When set, slice into bars or into smaller pieces for a quick snack.

Free Raw Recipe-Best Raw Food Bars Recipe

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How Many Carbs Per Day Do You Consume Or Eat on Medifast?

How Many Carbs Per Day Do You Consume Or Eat on Medifast?

Before I conducted a lot of research on this diet, I did not realize that it was actually designed to be low in carbohydrates.  It works a lot like the south beach or Atkins diet by putting your body into ketosis and getting it to burn it's own fat.  But, you don't have to just eat eggs and meat all the time like many similar diets. There are a lot of dessert and snack type alternatives, which is a good thing.  Yesterday, someone emailed me and asked, "Exactly how many carbs can you consume per day on mediFast?" I'll answer this question in the following article.

How Many Carbs Per Day Do You Consume Or Eat on Medifast?

How Many Carbs Per Day Do You Consume Or Eat on Medifast?

How Many Carbs Per Day Do You Consume Or Eat on Medifast?

How Many Carbs Per Day Do You Consume Or Eat on Medifast?

How Many Carbs Per Day Do You Consume Or Eat on Medifast?

The Average Amount Of Carbs In A Day Of MediFast Foods: You probably already know this, but you'll be eating six times per day on this diet-five of these meals are provided by thecompany and one of them (called the "lean and green") you make yourself-(based on the mediFast guidelines, of course.)

On average, all six meals will provide you around 80 -100 grams of carbohydrates per day.  Of course, it's best to be on the low end of this range, but there have been times when I have been on the higher end of this and I know from using ketone strips that I was able to stay in ketosis and continue to burn fat.  Here's a look at the carbs contained in a sample of five meals.

Sample Meals With Amount Of Carbohydrates (Contained InGrams)

Cappuccino 13

Oatmeal                                               15

ChocolateShake                                   13

Chili                                                     15

Caramel Protein Bar 13

Apple CinnamonCrisps                        8


Total                                                  77 grams

How Many Carbs Per Day Do You Consume Or Eat on Medifast?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Could Gluten Be Damaging Your Health?

Could Gluten Be Damaging Your Health?

Do you suffer from some or all of these problems: IBS, depression, difficulties with your aches and pains, weight in your bones and joints, chronic fatigue? If so, you may be gluten intolerant.

Could Gluten Be Damaging Your Health?

Could Gluten Be Damaging Your Health?

Could Gluten Be Damaging Your Health?

Could Gluten Be Damaging Your Health?

Could Gluten Be Damaging Your Health?

Gluten is a protein found in cereals, specifically, wheat (the main culprit), barley and rye. A similar protein is also found in oats. These cereals are relatively recent additions to the human diet, on the evolutionary timescale. Basically, our bodies haven't had very long to learn how to deal with gluten -so it's not surprising if a high proportion of us have difficulties digesting it.

During man's evolution, our diet consisted mainly of fruit, berries, nuts and large seeds, plus vegetables, roots and the occasional piece of meat whenthe hunt went well. It was only about 12.000 years ago that grasses were introduced. There's a theory that this change of diet was what killed off Neanderthals man in favour of Homo sapiens, although many believe that assimilation accounted for this. Perhaps it was a bit of both.

Whatever the case, the fact remains that our ancestors had a very short time to get used to the sudden change in diet. Within 10.000 years bread had become known as "the staff of life" in many parts of the world. Even today people in some places don't eat much of these grains-the area of China where rice is grown, for example.

Wheat flour is consumed in huge quantities in the West-think pies, bread, Pasta, pizza ... It's very likely that someone who eats a lot of something they can't digest properlywill develop health problems. And that is what seems to be happening, although the health profession, as usual, is taking a while to catch up.

You don't have to take my word for it. Surf the net for a little while, looking for the words "gluten intolerance", "gluten and depression", "gluten and health", "gluten and obesity", and so on. There are many studies, stories from sufferers, and a few doctors and other medical types saying it's all a load of rubbish.

(I guess it's understandable that doctors don't want to put a health warning on wheat, barley and rye-after all, they've already warned us off almost everything else-though they do seem to change their minds quite a lot. What would their patients eat?)

It's well known that adeficiency in certain vitamins can result in serious health problems. Because gluten based products form such a high proportion of most people's diets, which many of them can't digest properly, malnourishMent is becoming common in the West-even in the chronically obese.

Despite what some in the medical fraternity would have you believe, gluten intolerance is not a fantasy. The most severe form, coeliac disease, is a very nasty disease. If you're happy to irritable bowel syndrome, accept arthritic symptoms and depression in exchange for a bowl of Pasta, you're braver than I am! I used to suffer from all these problems until I cut gluten out of my diet. I wish I had known about it before.

If you do have symptoms like the ones listed at the top of thisarticle, it's important you try and find out the cause. Gluten is a prime culprit. And there is quite a bit of evidence to link gluten to bowel cancer, as well (which has been increasing steadily for years).

How should you go about this? There's little point in going to your doctor, because even if he doesn't laugh at you, the only form of gluten intolerance that can be detected (sometimes) by a blood test is coeliac disease. I know you need to do a bit of detective work for yourself to establish whether or not gluten is a problem for you.

The easiest way to check this out is to cut gluten out of your diet for two or three weeks and see how you feel at the end of it. There will most likely be changes, though some symptoms may take quite awhile to fade away completely. But at the end of the trial, go and get a pizza or a sticky bun or something, just to see what your body's reaction is (but don't go overboard-it may be a stronger reaction than you expect).

Gluten intolerance is much more common than people realise. Don't be a victim, check it out. You're worth it.

Could Gluten Be Damaging Your Health?

Friday, March 23, 2012

Constipation-Do You Go Every Day?

Constipation-Do You Go Every Day?

As a general rule, you should have at least one daily, preferably two motions and not too far away from your meals either. If you do not at least have one bowel motion each and every day, or if you have inconsistent motions-in terms of how often (frequency), how they look (texture) then you have constipation. In this article we will explore some causes and effects of constipation, and also take a look at how some diets can be a real problem with this annoying complaint and I'll also give you some tips on how to improve this complaint. I have yet to find a case yet which cannot be corrected with natural methods, and over 90% of constipation will respond to simple adjustMents in lifestyle. The doctor's answer is generally either a laxative, or fiber suppleMent likeMetamucil ®. I've got a better idea, let's find and treat the actual cause of the constipation. Some practitioners would define constipation as the passage of hard stool. Whilst another therapist I once knew told a patient that it was perfectly acceptable for her to have a bowel motion every ten days, if that was normal for her! In my opinion, it is the frequency and texture of your bowel motions which are all important factors, not the term constipation, which will always remain arbitrary. The frequency of bowel motions (how often you go) is important because it tells me how good your gut is functioning, and also how well your ' gastro-colic reflex ' is working. Of course we are not taking account here if you have acute diarrhoea from an infection or parasites, giardia, appendicitis,etc. When you eat Food from your mouth it passes down the oesophagus and into your stomach. The stomach then tells the colon to empty, and this is why (you should) after a meal feel like going to the toilet. This communication between the top end of the digestive system and the bottom end is called the ' gastro-colic reflex '. In other words, the top tells the bottom that it must empty, because there is Food coming down its way.

The Eyeball Test

Constipation-Do You Go Every Day?

Constipation-Do You Go Every Day?

Constipation-Do You Go Every Day?

Constipation-Do You Go Every Day?

Constipation-Do You Go Every Day?

OK, let's get over it, poo, bottoms, toilets-this is an area we are not comfortable with, let alone talk about. Do you ever look at your bowel motions? I call this the eyeball test. It surprises me how many patients I speak with do not look at their motions. Do look regularly, it will give you a valuable insight into how your digestivesystem is functioning.

The texture of the stool is important, and will determine not only how easy the motion is passed, but can also tell us a lot about the actual health of your digestive system. The longer a motion is in the bowel, the more likely that it will become increasingly dry by way of the bowel absorbing water from it, and therefore make the motion much more difficult to pass. Very loose stools on the other hand, can pass much too easily, and have not been long enough in the bowel to firm up, you will know all about this with a campylobacter infection. Take a look at the Bristol Stool Chart, it was developed by Dr. Heaton at the University of Bristol and was first published in the British Medical Journal in 1990. If you are in category 1-2, you are quite constipatedindeed. No. 3 is starting to look more like a normal motion. I'll bet many out there can relate to the "snake" motions in no. 4, this tells me that you are having problems with constipation and/or peristalsis, particularly in the recent past. Colonics are great for restoring the bowel in this situation. Peristalsis basically means a distinctive pattern of smooth muscle contractions that propels foodstuffs and through your esophagus and intestines. Stress has quite an amazing effect here, and this is why many will be able to relate to snake like motions-periods of stress have a potent effect on the peristaltic impAiring effects in your bowel. Perhaps you felt "gutted" about something? Stress draws blood away from the gut towards the muscles. This in turn can slow digestion andperistalsis down considerably, then constipation occurs. Will a laxative work here?, don't waste your time, try a chill pill instead.

Have you noticed that when animals eat, many will want to have a motion not long after? You will commonly find this with young children as well. They have a very active gastro-colic reflex, and in my experience the elderly have a poor one. As adults, many unfortunately "hang on" until the last minute-we all have something too important, and go to the toilet when it is more convenient to actually do so. I have found this to particularly so with the always busy people with occupations like real estate, taxi, truck or courier drivers, shop keepers, etc. Many have consulted me over the years with bowel issues-constipation generally.

If youignore the subtle signs of "needing to go" long enough, your bowel can become quite lazy, and so will you. And then when you really want to go-your bowel won't! So what are you going to do from now? If you feel like going, you should GO.

Constipation Causes

Diet & Lifestyle
The most common causes of constipation in Western cultures would have to be a lack of dietary fibers combined with a poor sedentary lifestyle. I can remember years ago reading a book about the San Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert in Africa. These little bush people are hunter-gatherers who for many thousands of years have supported themselves living in the desert. They hunt mainly various kinds of antelope, but their daily diet has always consisted more of the nuts and fruits, roots and seeds whichthey seek out in the harsh desert. It has been found that the bushmen pass many small motions daily, rather than their Western counterparts, who go on average once daily. The bushmen rarely if ever suffer from any type of digestive problem because of their naturally high fibre whole food and diet-based. We have not only reduced our fiber intake slowly over the years, and eaten a diet high in processed foods increasingly with substantial amounts of sugar, salt and fat, we have also adopted strange diets to control our weight which includes little fiber, low carbs and high protein.

For many years, fat was public enemy # 1, but the Atkins and South Beach diet gurus are blaming obesity on eating too many carbs primarily. Bread sales are down, people have become more reluctant tobuy the humble spud. Pasta makers in the USA were so panicky that they actually recently sponsored a conference of scientists and nutrition experts to say that their product is healthy. On the other hand, eggs, formerly shunned for cholesterol, are selling more than ever. Animal protein has all of a sudden become king of the hill-and so have the health problems associated with it.

These diets started the "low GI craze around the world as millions embraced the Atkins and South Beach diets. The drug companies even jumped onto this bandwagon, battling for a market once dominated by our older citizens, the market for dietary laxatives. Because many Kiwis have gone completely crazy carbo in diets that are low in fiber and high in fiber-less animal protein, they arealso less likely to face a big movement-towards the bathroom. As a result, sales of fiber laxatives in NZ were booming by 2004, when the high-protein & low carb craze was at its height. Hopefully, Atkins and the South Beach diet are passing food fads. If not, Kiwis may awake one day to find that they are not only more obese but they have numerous digestive health problems like constipation, kidney stones and high cholesterol & hemorrhoids caused by these diets. It is interesting to note that both diets were developed by medical doctors, naturopaths and not. Have these diets really contributed to excellent health to those who created them? Questions arise about the personal health of both these doctors. Dr. Atkins death was supposedly the result of a fall, but doubts havesurfaced about his health at the time of his death at age 72.

The Atkins Diet
How many people have tried the Atkins diet and ended up fatigued, muscle aches & pains, constipated or with other digestive problems? I'll bet many of you out there can relate to this, after going onto a low carb and high protein diet, high in saturated fats and cholesterol. Dr. Atkins can't help but grants the health benefits associated with fiber, in his own words: "plenty of fiber can be found in vegetables, nuts and seeds, fruits, beans and whole unrefined grains" The 2 week Induction phase "of this diet tells you to completely avoid the starchier carbohydrate foods-the ones that most Kiwis like to eat the foods which help to bulk up the bowel motions: breads, Pasta, carrots,corn, parsnips, peas, potatoes in all forms and squash, but pumpkin is allowed. In addition, this diet also allows a person to have 2-3 tablespoons of heavy cream or one ounce of sour cream daily, along with lashings of meats, eggs and bacon. No wonder this is a popular diet with Kiwis, but spare a thought for your poor bowel and liver and kidneys groaning under the strain. The fatty tissue of an animal is also generally where the toxins are stored, so this is not my favourite way to encourage a patient towards a healthier diet and permanent weight management. Atkins is certainly not ideal for vegetarians or co-as it is a meat-heavy based (protein) diet. This diet has been linked in the States to osteoporosis, heart disease, colon cancer and kidney disease. It is also belowthe recommended daily values for vitamins and minerals several such as calcium, potassium and magnesium.

I know that there will be many people out there who have benefited from this short-term approach, but I'll bet there are probably many more who didn't benefit at all long term. According to medical examiner's reports, Atkins had a history of heart disease and heart attacks. His weight of 129 kg would have placed the 6-foot-tall doctor in the obese category, perhaps a good candidate for ... a healthy weight loss program?

Constipation-Do You Go Every Day?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A List of 5 Easy, All Natural, High Fiber Foods To Eat for 25 Grams of Daily Recommended Fiber

A List of 5 Easy, All Natural, High Fiber Foods To Eat for 25 Grams of Daily Recommended Fiber

If you know anything about health and fitness then you know 25 grams of fiber are recomMended daily for a healthy, balanced diet. However, do you know which Foods are high enough fiber to help you reach that level every day? Here are 5 simple resources to keep in mind when selecting Foods for 25 grams of fiber in your day.

A List of 5 Easy, All Natural, High Fiber Foods To Eat for 25 Grams of Daily Recommended Fiber

A List of 5 Easy, All Natural, High Fiber Foods To Eat for 25 Grams of Daily Recommended Fiber

A List of 5 Easy, All Natural, High Fiber Foods To Eat for 25 Grams of Daily Recommended Fiber

A List of 5 Easy, All Natural, High Fiber Foods To Eat for 25 Grams of Daily Recommended Fiber

A List of 5 Easy, All Natural, High Fiber Foods To Eat for 25 Grams of Daily Recommended Fiber

1. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Pink Lady and McIntosh apples each provide 5 grams of fiber.

Apples are quite possibly, the easiest, high fiber foods to eat. There are many varieties to choose from, and in a few minutes you can quickly pick up 5 grams of fiber. The choices are plenty, they're relatively inexpensive and apples provide a perfect source of nutritional fiber in a convenient,ready to eat package. No Cooking or preparation required, except for a little rinsing. You can eat them on the go, in the car, at work, or even in bed. Of course we all have heard, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".

2. Black beans provide as much as 7 g of fiber per 1/4 cup of dry beans. 1/4 cup of Pinto Beans rings up a hefty 12 g of fiber per serving and Garbanzo Beans are the tops with 9 g of fiber per 1/4 cup serving.

Yes, it's true beans are good for your heart and they are really good food to eat for their high fiber content. Very few foods with as much nutrition are as versatile, economical and flavorful as beans. There are many ways to prepare beans or to order them while dining out. Soups often provide a good source of beans. You may even enjoy a few beansin a salad, or try the ever popular, rice and beans. Fast food chains sometimes have bean burritos, bean chili, or salads with beans on the Menu.

3. "BreakFast is the most important meal". A bowl of shredded wheat, a piece of toast with multi grain bread, or an all bran muffins are wholesome high fiber food choices for breakFast. Each one can give you 3-5 g of fiber or more and they are easy to prepare.

It may or may not be the most important meal, but breakfast is usually the first opportunity to start your day with plenty of fiber. Orange juice and apple juice even go nicely with an all bran muffins for added fiber first thing in the morning.

4. "Shake it up and go". Get 5 g of fiber in a cold, delicious chocolate or strawberry shake.

Now, it's easyto find on the Internet, some high quality health drinks that provide excellent sources of soluble fiber. In fact, one high-fiber protein drink even provides FOS, fructooligasacharides, pro-biotic soluble fiber that is typically found in foods like onion, garlic, oats, and barley. High fiber health drinks make it easy to mix up a delicious shake with a few pieces of frozen banana or other fruit, for a cold, creamy, tasty way to start the day with 5 g of fiber.

5. "High fiber food is good for your mood". A high fiber food bar should give you at least 4 g of fiber in a serving. If it doesn't, then it isn't worth the calories.

A List of 5 Easy, All Natural, High Fiber Foods To Eat for 25 Grams of Daily Recommended Fiber

Models Dieting Tips-Get That Sexy Figure Model's Way

Models Dieting Tips-Get That Sexy Figure Model's Way

Want to know the secret of a model's sexy and amazing figure? You may think that she starves herself to maintain that kind of a figure but that is just what you think. Most of the models eat smartly. They keep their stomachs full while not filling it up with junk Food. Do you really want to know real models dieting tips? Well, we will get you not just the tips but an actual diet plan followed by a leading model of Australian origin.

Models Dieting Tips-Get That Sexy Figure Model's Way

Models Dieting Tips-Get That Sexy Figure Model's Way

Models Dieting Tips-Get That Sexy Figure Model's Way

Models Dieting Tips-Get That Sexy Figure Model's Way

Models Dieting Tips-Get That Sexy Figure Model's Way

This model's dieting tips begin with saying that it is more important to be healthy than to be paper thin and unhealthy. She hates Anorexia and has helped a lot of her friends out of it. She also says that the more regular and longer that one is at the gym, the more lenient that your diet is. By the way, our model is at the gymor working out elsewhere for at least 2 hours every day and has a figure of 34-26-34. Let us now see what all she does to keep herself in such an enviable figure.

The next thing in our models dieting tips is to restrict the calorie intake to less than 1500 calories a day and to keep it above 1200 calories a day which is the optimum required by the body. She also suggests that it is very important to exercise for at least 45 minutes every day to ensure that the body muscles remain toned.

Our model begins her day with a 20 minute session jogging at the beach followed by another twenty minutes of cycling on her stationary bike. This is followed by 3 minutes of Yoga session at a nearby Yoga training class. Yoga is followed by a glassful of lemon juice with honey. After a 10minute break, she heads straight to her gym where she works out for another 45 minutes to an hour or so.

Back at home, she returns to another glass of lemon juice with honey. She takes a bath and her breakFast consists of either egg white or sprouts in soy milk or cereals. You can also replace these items with fruits on some days. One of our model's most valuable dieting tips is that the breakFast should be the heaviest meal of the day to keep you going right from the morning.

She eats 5-6 times a day and generally includes either and oatmeal and honey bars or some fruits for brunch. Lunch is generally vegetables in light gravy or parboiled rice with some fruits or juice. You can also include green tea to lunch, she suggests.

Lunch is followed by an evening snack whichis basically a protein bar or granola bar etc. This is to ensure that you go into the evening full of energy.

She heads for an early dinner and generally tries to get over it by 8:0 pm in the evening. The dinner is usually some rice or low calorie bread with lean chicken or soy or lean meat or some Fish.
After the dinner, she again eats either a bowl of water based fruit like cucumber, tomatoes, watermelon or popcorns to keep her full tummy.

We hope you too will benefit from our model's dieting tips like many others.

Models Dieting Tips-Get That Sexy Figure Model's Way

Monday, January 23, 2012

Grandma Hystad's Recipes, Bar Mixes, Food Information

Grandma Hystad's Recipes, Bar Mixes, Food Information


Grandma Hystad's Recipes, Bar Mixes, Food Information

Grandma Hystad's Recipes, Bar Mixes, Food Information

Grandma Hystad's Recipes, Bar Mixes, Food Information

Grandma Hystad's Recipes, Bar Mixes, Food Information

Grandma Hystad's Recipes, Bar Mixes, Food Information

Vegan: A person that chooses a lifestyle that aims to eliminate the use of products obtained from animals for Food, Clothing or any other reason. This means that they don't eat any meat, Fish, dAiry products or eggs. They also avoid products that are tested on animals and do not wear fur, wool or leather.

A vegan's diet includes Foods such as: beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, soya products (for protein), whole grains, vegetables, fruits and healthy oils.

People choose to become vegan for various reasons, the most popular include:

-Ethical views concerning animal rights

-Concern for the environMent

-To improve personal health

-Spiritual or religious beliefs

Vegan Pancakes


1 1/2 cups unbleached white flour

3 tablespoons organic sugar

1 3/4 teaspoons baking powder

dash of salt

3 dashes of nutmeg

1 to 1 1/4 cups soy milk

3 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 Ener-G Egg Replacer (found at health Food stores)


Combine all dry ingredients (flour, salt, vegan sugar, baking powder, nutmeg). Combine wet ingredients in a separate bowl. Mix wet and dry ingredients, but don't over-stir. Pour onto hot skillet, flip once. Makes 6 medium pancakes.

Note: You may also add fresh fruit such as blueberries or vegan chocolate chips for some variety!

Super Easy Vegan Pasta Salad


2 cups whole wheat Pasta, cooked & cooled

2 ripe tomatoes, chopped

1/2 green pepper, chopped

1 green onion, thinly sliced

1/4 cucumber, chopped

1/2 cup organic sugar

1/2 cup vegetable oil

1/3 cup ketchup

1/4 cup vinegar

1 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1 teaspoon paprika


Mix together the sugar, ketchup, vinegar, oil, salt, pepper and paprika. Pour the Dressing over the Pasta and veggies, and stir well.

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies


2 cups unbleached white flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

cinnamon to taste (optional)

1 cup vegan chocolate chips

1 cup organic sugar

1/2 cup canola or vegetable oil

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/4 cup water


Preheat oven to 350.

In a large bowl mix flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Mix in the chocolate chips. Make a well in the center and set bowl aside. In a medium size bowl mix vegan sugar and oil. Add the vanilla and then add the water. Be sure to mix it well. Add the wet to the well in the dry. Spoon dough onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake for 8-12 minutes.

Take them out and move them to wire cooling racks.

Makes almost two dozen cookies.


Grade 2 Science class Exam.

Q: How can you delay milk turning sour?

A: Keep it in the cow.

Q; Name the four seasons.

A: Salt, pepper, mustard, and vinegar.

Q; Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink.

A: Filtration makes water safe to drink because it removes large pollutants grit, sand, dead horses, crows, and canoeists.

After about 15 years, Health Canada has come out with a new Food Guide. Included in the guide is advice for different ages and sTAGes of your live (children, woMen of childbearing age, Men and woMen over 50).

Some recommendations are;

Eat at least one dark green and one orange vegetable each day.

Vegetables, fruit with little or no added fat, sugar, salt.

Have vegetables and fruit more often then juice.

Make half your grain products whole grain each day

Choose grain products that are lower in fat, sugar or salt.

Drink skim, 1%, or 2% milk each day.

Select lower fat milk alternatives.

Have meat alternatives such as beans, tofu often.

Eat at least 2 Food Guide Servings of Fish each week.

Select lean meat with little or no added fat or salt.

NOTE: For limiting exposure to mercury from certain types of Fish, refer to Canada's Food Guide. For latest information and guide for your health and safety.

Healthy Eating.


Food manufactures are permitted to irradiate potatoes and onions to inhibit sprouting; wheat flour to control insects; and ground spices and dehydrated seasonings to reduce microbial content. In 2005 The European Civil Society released a statement against irradiation stating, "Food irradiation is often used as a substitute for good sanitary practices and misleads consumers, as it kills spoilage bacteria, which tells people when food is rotten through smell or sight"

"The American and Canadian public is justifiably concerned over the unknown effects of irradiation food." Rosalie Bertell, PhD.

Where possible we should buy locally -grown foods. As a rule your food is fresher, better flavour, picked within a day of your purchase. Local produce more likely has a higher nutrient content than store-bought produce that has spent time on a transport truck and warehouse. Further farmers who sell directly to local customers receive the full value for their product, can sell cheaper, as there is less cost to processing, transportation, packing, warehouse etc.


Have you unsafe products in your home? Check out items that have been recalled by manufactures in cooperation with U.S.Consumer Product Safety Commission. You can check by phone: 800-638-2772 or Visit:

Remember, when it comes to recalls, health, food, the same information applies to both USA and Canada, as a rule. Check both government sites for above.


Do you have stuff you no longer have use for and want to get rid
of? If you haven't got time for garage sales, or eBay-you need to check out "The Freecyle Network".

Founded in 2003, the network has more then 1.7 million members
in 3,100 Communities in over 50 countries. The only rules around what can be exchanged, or offered free is that it be legal, for any age group. There is a good chance of a
listing from your city.


If you have teenagers, or in fact any adult, impress on them the
risks of driving while intoxicated. Statistics demonstrate drunk drivers cause many fatal road accidents. It should be known that like any other drug, addiction is a
potential hazard. Excess of alcohol will affect organs such as
the brain, heart, and liver.



3 ounces pineapple juice.

½ ounce concentrated grapefruit (undiluted) juice.

1-ounce coconut cream.

1-ounce fresh cream.

Shake with a large scoop of shaved ice, and serve in tall glass.

Grandma Hystad's Recipes, Bar Mixes, Food Information