Quest Nutrition Protein Bars, Pack of 12

Quest Nutrition Protein Bars, Pack of 12

Quest Nutrition Protein Bars, Pack of 12

Thursday, September 12, 2013

thinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

thinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

thinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

I commited myself to losing weight. I discovered these bars at Costco (unfortunately, they no longer carry them). I eat one for breakfast every day. I also bring a bunch with me when I am travelling so I don't have to eat junk food on airplanes etc. These are so filling and so large compared to other bars. I love that they are also gluten-free.

thinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

They do taste like a candy bar - that's the best part! I don't feel like I am dieting. This is my favorite flavor, although I also eat the Brownie Crunch to mix it up. You will not be disappointed! I've gotten many friends and coworkers to eat these too. Everyone loves them! 

thinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

We love these bars because they are low sugar and high protein for a reasonable amount of calories. However, some of the bars seem to be old or dried out, and one bar was very strange looking with spots all over it. 

thinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

I couldn't find an easy way to get a partial refund or replacement of only one out of ten bars, so that one bar was simply a waste of money. The product itself is excellent, but we're unsure whether we ultimately save money by buying it from Amazon when we may randomly have to throw away bad bars.

Bottom line: awesome product, but there are some issues with quality control. 

thinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

have eaten various protien bars on the market for well over 15 years. The ThinkThin Chunky Peanut Butter bars have the best taste, excellent texture and fill me up when I need it.

I highly recommend them. I buy them by the box and if I could find a place where I could buy them by the case with a bigger discount, I would.
thinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Freevv

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Protein Bar Gluten Free

Protein Bar Gluten Free

I have tried most of the flavors from the Quest Bars and loved every single one of them. Was def disappointed by this one. Tasted like a burn chocolate hard chewing candy- just to try explain it. Moving on to other flavors and not purchasing this again. 

Protein Bar Gluten Free

I love these bars because they are low in calories for having 20g of protein. They taste awesome, better than the other Quest flavors I've tried so these are my new favorite after gym snack

Protein Bar Gluten Free

It's got a great nutritional composition, and is an easy way to snack at work with something healthy, but very dry and requires water to wash it down. I wouldn't describe the taste as pleasant, but it's certainly not offensive.
Protein Bar Gluten Free
Not sure about how it affects weight loss, it certainly didn't cause any weight gain, but I'm at a point where I'm trying to cut the last few fat% off...and this definitely didn't help.

It doesn't feel heavy though, like other protein bars, taste is ok. Prefer cookie dough. But if you like deep chewy chocolate, you should enjoy this flavor very much.

Protein Bar Gluten Free
After reading about these bars on the Ideal Protein alternative site I was so excited to try them. I was so disappointed, tasted like a tootsie roll with not much flavor (I'm not a fan of tootsie rolls). I didn't like the texture and the flavor was disappointing. I will not order again. I much prefer the Power Crunch bars.
Protein Bar Gluten Free
It was tasty and satisfying. I would recommend this to any that like banana nut muffins. I will be buying more
Protein Bar Gluten Free

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Medifast Shake Nutrition Information - (Calories, Carbohydrates, Protein, and Vitamins & Minerals)

Medifast Shake Nutrition Information - (Calories, Carbohydrates, Protein, and Vitamins & Minerals)

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download


I get a lot of questions about the Medifast shakes. I believe that this is because, without a doubt, these are the most popular and well known component of (and food on) the diet. They are tasty, easy to prepare, actually good for you, and pretty filling. But, people often want to know exactly what are the ingredients in (and nutritional value of) them. I'll go over many of these issues in the following article.

Information About The Most Popular Medifast Shake First: The 55: I would venture to say that the 55 shake is the most widely used in the Medifast diet. These shakes come with the women's basic plan / package and they are in my opinion the most tasty and versatile on the plan. They come in a variety of flavors, but the nutrition is for the most part the same no matter whether you chose one of the chocolate and vanilla varieties or the fruit flavors. Generally, these contain around 90 - 100 calories, have around 11 - 13 grams of carbs, about 11- 15 grams of protein, less than 10 grams of sugars, and at least five grams of fiber. This combination helps all of the foods put your body in fat burning mode because the carb to protein ratio is quite friendly.

In general, all of the Medifast shakes are low in lactose, are relatively gluten free, are kosher, and are vegetarian. These options are generally very nutritionally sound. For example, the 55 shakes contain anywhere from 15 - 60% of the daily requirements for vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, B, C, and D, iron, magnesium, folate, zinc, copper, selenium, and biotin, to name only a few.

The 75 shakes are very similar to the 55, but they contain more protein and are generally recommended for men or for very active folks or women who are athletes or are serious about building muscle.

Other than the 55, the momentum line is probably the next popular. These items are meant to boost your metabolism and to that end they contain additional caffeine and the active ingredient in green tea. Other than that, the rest of the nutritional information is mostly the same. There are three different shake options on the momentum line.

Nutritional Information About The Medifast Ready To Drink Shakes: All of the options that I have previously discussed have required that you mix them. You can either use the little shaker cup that comes with them or a blender. (I have better results with a blender.) So, some people really like having the option of using a shake that doesn't require any preparation and that's why many really like the ready to drink. This option comes in a box with a straw. All you have to worry about doing is opening and then drinking it.

In general, the caloric and nutritional content is very similar on these. They run around 90 calories and have 12 grams of carbs and protein. They are a little light on the fiber at only 3 grams, but they are full of all the vitamins and minerals, providing 40 percent of your daily calcium needs as one example.

Specialty Shakes: In addition to the items I mentioned above, this plan does offer some specialty shakes. Examples are diabetic, heart health, joint health, antioxidant fortified, and hormonal health options. In general, these are basically the 55 with some supplementation added in. For example, omega 3s are added to the heart health meals and herbs meant to deal with menopause are added into the hormonal health.

Medifast Shake Nutrition Information - (Calories, Carbohydrates, Protein, and Vitamins & Minerals)

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

Medifast Shake Nutrition Information - (Calories, Carbohydrates, Protein, and Vitamins & Minerals)

Medifast Shake Nutrition Information - (Calories, Carbohydrates, Protein, and Vitamins & Minerals)
Medifast Shake Nutrition Information - (Calories, Carbohydrates, Protein, and Vitamins & Minerals)

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

Friday, April 12, 2013

Do You Have a Wheat Intolerance?

Do You Have a Wheat Intolerance?

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download


Wheat is the most widely consumed cereal in the US. and Europe today. More than a billion people use it as a staple in their diet and wheat production has almost doubled since the turn of the 20th century. In Britain it provides 27% of our daily calorie intake.

History has seen it as an essential element to a nutritious diet, and towns grew up around its supply. It was first grown in the Middle East over ten thousand years ago and has since adapted to grow in almost any climate. However, the wholesome wheat products of ten thousand years ago differ greatly from the refined white flour of today.

The pale, fluffy, white cake-like bread so many of us eat, is a far cry from the heavy, wholesome, chewy whole grain breads that were once the staple diet.

In history, the purity of what you ate reflected your social standing, so of course clean, white, light, and refined was very much preferred to the heavy, wholesome and chewy. To serve anything other than white bread on a ceremonial table was considered an insult. Even in the bible reference is made to the desirability of fine flour. So the wealthier classes would repeatedly sieve their flour and "whole" flour became a symbol of the lower classes.

With the rise of the industrial age the flour was processed still further to remove the germ, as its oil content caused rancidity, and prevented storage and distribution. All that was left of our "wholesome" flour was pure starch, very manageable commercially as it is practically dead food.
Refined white flour is used in bread, biscuits, cakes, pastry, pasta and cereals. So what is thrown away in the refining process?

The outer layer of the grain is the bran which contains a high proportion of B vitamins and about 50% of the mineral elements in the grain. The germ at the base of the grain is the actual embryo of the plant, rich in fats (mainly essential fatty acids), protein, iron, and vitamins E and B group. Also in the outer layer of cells called the aleurone layer, is the endosperm's protein. Between the germ and the endosperm is the scutellum, which is particularly rich in thiamine.

Like the sugar in fruit, most forms of starch come complete with the other nutrients which are needed to digest them. If we refine these foods, stripping away the necessary vitamins and minerals, we end up poisoning ourselves with toxic by-products of incomplete metabolism. In an attempt to digest this dead food, our body will use up vital reserves of vitamins and minerals. Time has also shown that the depletion of fibre in the diet as a result of refining has had an impact on mans' intestinal function, low fibre is implicated with various conditions from haemorrhoids to cancer of the colon.

Out of five million tonnes of milled wheat, 1.4 million tonnes of bran, germ, aleurone layer, and scutellum are discarded. This is known as 70% extraction, meaning that only 70% of the grain is finally used. During world war two, food shortages meant that the extraction rate went up to 85%, and there were marked benefits to the nation's health. The reintroduction of flour of 95-100% extraction would do more for the health of this country's people than any other single measure in the field of nutrition. In our de-vitalised western society, no-one can afford to throw away nutrients in these quantities.

As the refining process removes so many nutrients from flour, UK law requires that iron, thiamine, niacin and calcium, are added to 70% extraction flour. Secondly, to get the flour and its products to behave in the way the market dictates, a wide range of chemicals are added; flour improvers, bleaching agents etc. All additives should have a question mark over them, they are yet another source of toxins, and concern has been expressed by some that commercial interests over ride nutritional interests.

None of this would be necessary if we could only accept the qualities of 100% extraction rate whole wheat flour, it can no longer be regarded as a peasant food. Consumption of whole wheat bread is on the increase, but there is a long way to go for whole wheat pastry, cakes, pastas, biscuits and wheat based thickeners. Wholemeal flour used to be criticised as it naturally contains phytic acid which binds with calcium preventing its absorption, but studies have shown that whilst this does occur, there is a period of adaptation then calcium absorption returns to normal.

However here comes the "but", whilst wholemeal flour is infinitely preferable to white, no wheat at all is preferable for some people.

Firstly wheat isn't the essential staple food it is billed to be, and is not easily tolerated. As a source of protein it is very poor, as it only has incomplete protein to offer, it is grossly Lysine deficient, and so cannot be fully utilised by the body. The bran does provide fibre, but there are actually more suitable fibres in other foods. A study into irritable bowel syndrome at the Radcliffe Royal Infirmary found that 39% of patients found wheat to be a contributing factor to their IBS after completing an elimination diet.

It is the wheat protein gluten that is the major culprit in problems relating to wheat. Some level of gluten intolerance can actually be found in the majority of people, and is linked to a broad spectrum of symptoms. Gluten is a sticky substance, resembling the consistency of chewing gum.

It is gluten that gives loaves that springy, airy texture so much in demand, and that is why hard wheat with its high gluten content is used for baking.

Modern commercial bread making, where the dough is only proved once, requires higher levels of gluten and so crops are grown which have high gluten levels.

Being such a sticky, elastic substance it is quite hard to digest. If undigested gluten finds its way to the large intestine it can bind with the mucosa to form a sticky mass that lines the colon wall.

This makes an impermeable barrier both ways; hindering secretions and nutrient absorption. Lack of secretions mean reduced lubrication, so transit time for food around the colon is slowed, the colon, already narrowed by the glutinous layer, can simply grind to a halt.

It is when this occurs we see ballooning of the colon and or diverticuli, this mass will putrefy, leaching toxins into the blood stream, causing other seemingly unrelated problems, hence the higher occurrence of gluten intolerance than one might think. Needless to say there can be little or no absorption of nutrients.

If your digestive system is in peak condition these problems shouldn't arise as complete digestion of the gluten will have taken place in the small intestine. However, very few of us, with de-vitalised diets, stress, toxins etc. can boast this level of functioning, so this scene in the lower bowel becomes almost inevitable.
Gluten also features highly in allergic responses, where the protein is incompletely broken down. The body may, due to inherited tendencies or incorrect weaning, have a gluten intolerance causing mal-absorption of any grain that contains this protein.

The intestines become irritated and the villi are damaged, reducing proper absorption of nutrients. This damage to the intestinal wall allows toxic substances to be absorbed into the blood stream.

At it's most extreme, this allergic reaction is what we know as Coeliac Disease. It causes chronic mal-absorption of nutrients where the small intestine is unable to digest and absorb food. So the sufferer may eat a "healthy" diet but be ill and experience symptoms such as bloating, pain, cramps and constipation or diarrhoea.

Conventionally Coeliac disease is viewed as an enzyme deficiency or other metabolic fault. Whilst sometimes the biochemical element may be present, many nutritionists feel that incorrect weaning is more likely. The introduction of cereal grains before the body's enzymes can digest them can only set the stage for gluten intolerance by causing gastric irritation, antibody reaction and intestinal thinning.

Wheat is added to the average infants diet much too early, digestive enzymes necessary for starch digestion are not even present until 6 - 8 months, let alone a complex substance like gluten. It would really be advisable to wait as close to the second birthday as possible before the introduction to wheat is made (whole-wheat of course).

Studies have shown that the children with the most coughs and colds are the ones that eat the most starches, and most asthmatics were weaned before their first birthday on to an abundance of wheat and dairy produce. Even without a strict food allergy, excess wheat alters the body's acid alkaline balance and increases the production of mucous. In a study on migraines in children at the Hospital for Sick Children, Dr. Egger found that 24% of those studied had migraines as a reaction to wheat.
Wheat contains natural opiates, morphine like substances that may affect brain cell activity, influencing mood and mental activity and possibly inducing fatigue. It follows that anyone with mental health issues may benefit from following a wheat free diet.

Wheat seems to rank exceedingly high as a trigger of food intolerances and allergies, resulting in symptoms as diverse as rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome and neurological illnesses.

If you have any of the following symptoms it could be worth investing in a food intolerance test and excluding wheat from your diet:

• Bloating
• Headaches
• Migraines
• Abdominal discomfort
• Constipation
• Diarrhoea
• Diverticulitis
• Stomach cramps
• Indigestion
• Feeling of heaviness after eating
• Drowsiness after eating bread
• Mood swings
• Depression
• Joint pain
• Lethargy
• Chronic fatigue

The Food Detective test is a simple DIY pin prick blood test that you can do at home.

It picks up IgG antibodies in the blood which develop when you become intolerant to certain food substances.

Within 40 minutes you'll be able to find out which foods are a problem for you.

The test kit costs around 55 and can be bought online from

Wheat/Gluten Free Diet

If there is a sensitivity to wheat the following foods should be avoided:

Wheat flour, wheat bran and wheat germ
Bulgur, durum wheat, spelt flour
Barley, rye (to avoid gluten)
Wheat based biscuits and crispbreads
Wheat breakfast cereals eg. Weetabix, Puffed Wheat, All-bran
Wheat based alcoholic drinks eg. whiskey, most gins, lager and beer
Bread baking powder
Bread crumbs
Pancakes and batter mixes
Cakes and cake mixes
Crumble toppings
Macaroni, spaghetti and pasta
Semolina, cous cous. (gluten)
Sausages, hamburgers & breaded meats

You should also check the ingredients lists of the following products which may contain wheat:

- Baked beans
- Chocolate, Cocoa, Drinking chocolate
- Coffee (cheap instant)
- Cloudy lemonade, ginger beer
- Cream (imitation), ice cream, ice cream wafers, custard
- Chutney and pickles
- Gravy powder, sauces. soy sauce and stock cubes, tomato sauces
- Curry powder
- Pie fillings and instant pudding
- Sausages, pates, spreads and pastes
- Soups (canned and packet)
- Canned fish

Alternatives to wheat

You can replace wheat flour with rye flour, brown rice flour, soya flour, potato flour, corn flour, gluten free flour.

Bread ~ Rye and soya bread, gluten free bread, oat cakes, rice cakes, rye crisp bread, rice crisp bread.
Biscuits ~ Flapjacks, macaroons, fruit bars.
Cereals ~ Wheat free muesli, porridge, millet flakes, Rice Krispies
Crumble topping ~ Rye bread crumbs, oats, sesame seeds, ground rice
Pasta ~ Rice, noodles, Orgran wheat free pastas.

* where a product is shown as being gluten free, it is also wheat free.

Broadland vegetable suet
Brown rice flour
Custard creams gluten free
Doves and Orgran gluten free flour
Orgran gluten free bread mix
Doves gram flour
Doves rye flour
Dr Schar gluten free vanilla wafers
Ener-G pure rice bran
Finn crisp original rye crispbreads
Glutano gluten free biscuits
Gluten free baking powder
Gluten free muesli
Gravy powder gluten free
Kallo rice cakes
Mrs Crimble gluten free macaroons, fruit loaf & chocolate cake
Oatbran flapjacks
Orgran corn pasta, lasagna and spaghetti
Orgran Ris o mais pasta, lasagna and spaghetti
Potato flour
Premier gluten free biscuits chocolate coated
Premier gluten free chocolate & orange biscuits
Premier gluten free plain biscuits
Rice flour
Wheat free mueslis organic and non-organic
Rye/soya rolls, Rye/soya bread Sesame snaps
Soya flour
Wheat free Soya sauce
Village bakery gluten free bread
Village bakery gluten free cakes
Brown rice

Yeast Free Diet

Yeasts are part of an enormous family of fungi that includes mushrooms, bakers yeast and antibiotics.

Some illnesses are caused by fungus, e.g. farmer's lung and Candida (thrush). Be wary of food that has been left about for some time, as yeasts need time and the necessary conditions to grow, and many yeasts are impossible to see with the naked eye.
Yeast will have been used in the processing of any products which have been fermented, e.g. wine. Preserved or dried foods will almost certainly have yeasts on them, even if they have been treated to give a longer shelf life. It is impossible not to ingest some yeasts as they are all about us in the air. The descriptions "dried, pickled, cultured, and fermented", all indicate the presence of yeast.

Eating out is not difficult provided cheese dishes, any food with vinegar or alcohol, pickles, and mushrooms or truffles are avoided. Bread also must not be eaten, but some plain crisp breads may be acceptable. Salads should be without dressing, and meat without stuffing. Choose grilled meat without gravy, plain boiled or steamed vegetables, plain grilled fish or omelettes. It is wise to avoid fruit desserts and of course cheese and biscuits.
Following this diet will reduce the amount of calcium, protein, fibre and fat consumed, and adjustments need to be made in other areas to combat this. Use a raising powder that does not contain cream of tartar and make whole-wheat soda bread and scones at home, but eat within a short time of baking. Rye crisp breads, or whole-wheat breakfast cereals, (if they can be tolerated) such as Shredded Wheat and Puffed Wheat and rice can be eaten instead of bread.

It is advisable to increase the amount of vegetables eaten, especially the high potassium ones. All fruit eaten should be thoroughly washed, dried and peeled then eaten immediately, keeping the peel well away from the flesh of the fruit or you may contaminate it with yeast. Make oil or lemon dressings for salads with fresh lemon juice.

A problem with the omission of bread is that it could lead to a deficiency of B complex vitamins. To help correct this, drop scones or soda bread can be made with whole-wheat flour without yeast. An increase in the amount of liver to 4 oz (100g) per week would also help.

If a B complex supplement needs to be taken synthetic B vitamins would be more suitable as natural supplements will probably be made from yeast. Fruit juices should be made from fresh washed and peeled fruit and drunk immediately they are made. If the amount of whole-wheat flour used for suitable baking is not increased to at least 1 lb. ( kilo) per week there is a risk of too little cereal fibre in this diet. This is quite a difficult diet to follow, especially as no alcohol whatsoever should be taken.

Foods to Avoid:

bread, rolls, croissants, currant tea cakes, doughnuts, scones, breadcrumbs, pitta breads
Mushrooms, truffles, stuffing All cheeses, yoghurt, buttermilk
Vinegar of all kinds, ketchup, pickles of all kinds, chutney, sauerkraut, horseradish, mint sauce, mustard, salad dressing, soy sauce
Fruit skins, i.e. Apples and pears
Dried fruits of all kinds, sultanas, currants, raisin, mixed peel, apricots, figs etc.
Malted drinks, malted cereals
Monosodium Glutamate (E221) If eating out in a restaurant, check to make sure that M.S.G is not used, ask for it be left out if necessary.
Yeast of all kinds, fresh, bakers, brewers, dried, compressed, instant. Yeast extract spreads, marmite, vecon, yeastrel, natrex. Cream of tartar
B Complex vitamins with a yeast base
Antibiotics and other drugs derived from mould cultures
Alcohol of all kinds, including wines, spirits, beers

Alternative Products:

Soda bread, soda farls. (Avoid those which contain buttermilk)
Yeast free breads
Ryvita, crackers, matzos. Some Indian breads such as chappatis, check ingredients. Rice cakes, oat cakes, home made scones
Yoghurt for the first two weeks, then live yoghurt is acceptable. Salad dressing made with fresh lemon, oil, garlic and herbs.
A maximum of three fruits per day, peeled and washed (Fruits which cannot be peeled, such as small berries should be avoided unless they are very fresh.
Cereals which are malt free, such as shredded wheat, puffed wheat, rice, porridge oats
Plain crisps or brands with no additives i.e. Hedgehog
Nuts in small amounts are fine as long as they are fresh. Avoid peanuts and pistachios
Baking powder and Bicarbonate of Soda may be used for baking as a raising agent.

Do You Have a Wheat Intolerance?

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

Do You Have a Wheat Intolerance?

Do You Have a Wheat Intolerance?
Do You Have a Wheat Intolerance?

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Choosing a Medifast Lean and Green Meal While Eating Out at a Restaurant

Choosing a Medifast Lean and Green Meal While Eating Out at a Restaurant


People often ask me if it's possible to comply with the medifast diet while eating out or going to restaurants. This is most certainly possible. The key to this is really understanding the requirements of the foods and of the diet. And, one of the easiest times to eat out on medifast is during the time of day when you typically eat your "lean and green meal."

If you're not familiar with this plan, the "lean and green meal" is the one meal that you plan and prepare for each day. (All of your other meals are prepackaged and are provided to you.) You can eat this larger, main meal whenever you like. But, many people find it easier to take this meal at dinner time. However, if you're wanting to go to a restaurant, it can make things easier and more convenient just to plan to have your "lean and green" then. But, if you're going that route, you'll need to understand the guidelines of this meal to help you chose the best, most appropriate things to order off of the menu. I will discuss this more in the following article.

The Requirements Of Medifast's "Lean And Green Meal" And How You Can Comply With This At Restaurants: First, it's important to understand that this meal is made up of varying amounts of lean protein and three servings of low glycemic vegetables. The amount of protein that you can have depends on which type of protein that you chose. Mostly, you will always want to chose lean protein. But, for example, if you choose less lean meats like beef, lamb or pork, then you are allowed to have a bit less of it. For these meats, you are limited to about five ounces. This isn't too bad though. Sure, it's probably ill advised to have a huge porterhouse steak and think you're still in compliance, but having lean beef in a stir fry is usually going to be just fine.

And, if you chose a leaner cut of meat (or a vegetarian option) then you will be allowed to eat more of it. For example, if you chose a leaner type of protein like chicken, turkey, or fish, then you're allowed two more ounces of protein (or up to seven ounces.) Either way, you're looking at a piece of protein that is about the size of your fist.

So, you can have this as either a piece of meat or protein with vegetables on the side, or you can have this in a stir fry, soup, or skillet type of meal. Many restaurants can easily accommodate this. And, many have special parts of the menu that are dedicated to healthful meals. You'll just want to steer clear of heavy or sweet sauces and dressings. And, you'll want to have any dressings or toppings on the side so that you can control how much you are actually getting. Plus, if you're eating at a restaurant that offers extremely generous servings, then you'll just want to save the excess for later.

You can even usually comply with the "lean and green" requirement at fast food restaurants. Many offer salads with chicken and dark leafy green lettuces or spinach. Some offer stir fries or soups. Sure, you probably shouldn't go overboard on the croutons or bacon, but eggs, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, and the like can easily fit within the medifast diet. It's not at that hard to accomplish this, and even if you fall slightly short, you will still likely be taking in a far lower amount of calories than what would be typical of you if you weren't on a diet, which already puts you ahead of the game.

Choosing a Medifast Lean and Green Meal While Eating Out at a Restaurant

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

Choosing a Medifast Lean and Green Meal While Eating Out at a Restaurant

Choosing a Medifast Lean and Green Meal While Eating Out at a Restaurant
Choosing a Medifast Lean and Green Meal While Eating Out at a Restaurant

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Easy Cakes to Make at Home

Easy Cakes to Make at Home

Samsung Galaxy

Everyone loves a delicious homemade cake. Many people tend not to make cakes because they think it is a difficult and time consuming task. Fortunately, there are easy cake recipes that are perfect for the novice baker and one who has a busy life.

The following are a few easy cakes to make at home:

1.) Sponge Cake: This cake is very easy to make and is light, tasty, and perfect for the family or when entertaining guests.

Ingredients: 4 oz (110g) self raising flour, sifted, 1 tsp baking powder, 4 oz.(110g) soft margarine, 4 oz (110g) sugar, 2 large eggs, 2-3 drops vanilla

The entire baking time from start to finish takes less than an hour.

2.) Ice Cream Cake: A delicious treat children will love.

Preparation time: 20-30 minutes. Freezing time: 8 hours or overnight.

For one 8 inch ice cream cake you will need: 3 c. chocolate ice cream, slightly softened 5 Heath bars or 5 oz. English toffee, coarsely chopped 4 tbsp. chocolate syrup 3 tbsp. coffee liqueur 3 c. vanilla ice cream, slightly softened

3.) Chocolate Cake: Preparation time takes only a few minutes. The result is moist and delicious chocolate cake.

Ingredients: 4 oz (110g)self raising flour, sifted, 1 tsp baking powder, 4 oz (110g)soft margarine, 4oz (110g)sugar, 2 large eggs, 1 tbs. cocoa powder. Filling ingredients:

2 oz (55g) butter or quality margarine, 4 oz (110g) icing/confectioners' sugar, 1 rounded tbs cocoa powder, 2 tsp of milk.

Preheat the oven to 170 deg C, 325 deg F.

Sift the baking powder and flour into a large mixing bowl. Add the other ingredients to the bowl and beat until everything is mixed together. Put half the mixture in each of the prepared pans and place on the centre shelf of the preheated oven for about thirty minutes.

4.)'Fruity' Cake: A delicious and fruity treat for the whole family

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 1 c. salad oil, 2 c. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 2 c. flour, 1 tsp. baking soda

2 tsp. cinnamon, ground, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1/2 c. chopped nuts (optional), 1 can pie filling (apple, cherry, peach, etc.)

When mixed, stir in can of fruit with its syrup. Pour into a greased and floured 9 x 13 inch baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes. Cool.

5.) White Birthday Cake: This is an easy and delicious cake for anyone's birthday.

Ingredients: 2 1/4 cups cake flour (9 ounces), 1 cup whole milk, 6 large egg whites (3/4 cup), 2 teaspoons almond extract, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 3/4 cups granulated sugar (12 1/4 ounces), 4 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon table salt, 12 tablespoons softened unsalted butter (1 1/2 sticks)

Preheat oven to 325 degrees and bake for about 25 minutes.

Easy cake recipes are great for parents on the go. You will not only enjoy eating this delicious treat, but have fun making it. Try making an easy cake today and make sure you share it with friends and family.

Easy Cakes to Make at Home

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 4.05 Mins.

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

Facebook: Twitter: @KokeUSG K Koke Profile: Music video by K Koke feat. RITA ORA performing Lay Down Your Weapons. (C) 2013 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

No URL K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

Easy Cakes to Make at Home

Samsung Galaxy

Everyone loves a delicious homemade cake. Many people tend not to make cakes because they think it is a difficult and time consuming task. Fortunately, there are easy cake recipes that are perfect for the novice baker and one who has a busy life.

The following are a few easy cakes to make at home:

1.) Sponge Cake: This cake is very easy to make and is light, tasty, and perfect for the family or when entertaining guests.

Ingredients: 4 oz (110g) self raising flour, sifted, 1 tsp baking powder, 4 oz.(110g) soft margarine, 4 oz (110g) sugar, 2 large eggs, 2-3 drops vanilla

The entire baking time from start to finish takes less than an hour.

2.) Ice Cream Cake: A delicious treat children will love.

Preparation time: 20-30 minutes. Freezing time: 8 hours or overnight.

For one 8 inch ice cream cake you will need: 3 c. chocolate ice cream, slightly softened 5 Heath bars or 5 oz. English toffee, coarsely chopped 4 tbsp. chocolate syrup 3 tbsp. coffee liqueur 3 c. vanilla ice cream, slightly softened

3.) Chocolate Cake: Preparation time takes only a few minutes. The result is moist and delicious chocolate cake.

Ingredients: 4 oz (110g)self raising flour, sifted, 1 tsp baking powder, 4 oz (110g)soft margarine, 4oz (110g)sugar, 2 large eggs, 1 tbs. cocoa powder. Filling ingredients:

2 oz (55g) butter or quality margarine, 4 oz (110g) icing/confectioners' sugar, 1 rounded tbs cocoa powder, 2 tsp of milk.

Preheat the oven to 170 deg C, 325 deg F.

Sift the baking powder and flour into a large mixing bowl. Add the other ingredients to the bowl and beat until everything is mixed together. Put half the mixture in each of the prepared pans and place on the centre shelf of the preheated oven for about thirty minutes.

4.)'Fruity' Cake: A delicious and fruity treat for the whole family

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 1 c. salad oil, 2 c. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 2 c. flour, 1 tsp. baking soda

2 tsp. cinnamon, ground, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1/2 c. chopped nuts (optional), 1 can pie filling (apple, cherry, peach, etc.)

When mixed, stir in can of fruit with its syrup. Pour into a greased and floured 9 x 13 inch baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes. Cool.

5.) White Birthday Cake: This is an easy and delicious cake for anyone's birthday.

Ingredients: 2 1/4 cups cake flour (9 ounces), 1 cup whole milk, 6 large egg whites (3/4 cup), 2 teaspoons almond extract, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 3/4 cups granulated sugar (12 1/4 ounces), 4 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon table salt, 12 tablespoons softened unsalted butter (1 1/2 sticks)

Preheat oven to 325 degrees and bake for about 25 minutes.

Easy cake recipes are great for parents on the go. You will not only enjoy eating this delicious treat, but have fun making it. Try making an easy cake today and make sure you share it with friends and family.

Easy Cakes to Make at Home

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 4.05 Mins.

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

Facebook: Twitter: @KokeUSG K Koke Profile: Music video by K Koke feat. RITA ORA performing Lay Down Your Weapons. (C) 2013 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

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Cottage Cheese Recipes - 2 Easy Baked Pasta Dishes With Cottage Cheese

Samsung Galaxy

Cottage cheese has a lot less fat and calories than many other kinds of cheese. It is also a great source of protein and lends a creamy lusciousness to baked pasta recipes. Here are two of my favorite recipes for easy main dish recipes that contain cottage cheese - Baked Ziti and Easy Lasagna. Ziti is a tube shaped pasta. If you can't find it, replace it with penne, shells, bow-ties, or your favorite shape. You can make them a day or two ahead and refrigerate until you are ready to bake them for dinner. While they bake, you can make toss together a simple salad. What could be simpler?

Baked Ziti
Makes 4 servings

8 ounces ziti, uncooked
1/2 pound extra lean ground beef
2 medium onions, chopped
3 cups spaghetti sauce
2 cups cottage cheese
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray 9x13 baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. Cook ziti according to package directions. Drain, and set aside.

Meanwhile, crumble meat in a large skillet coated with nonstick cooking spray. Add onions. Sauté until meat is fully cooked. Add spaghetti sauce.

In large bowl, combine cottage cheese, Parmesan cheese, egg, parsley, and garlic powder. Mix thoroughly. Add cooked ziti and mix well. Spread about 1/3 of the meat, onion, and spaghetti sauce mixture in bottom of prepared pan. Spoon ziti and cheese mixture into pan. Pour the remaining sauce mixture over the top. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for about 30 minutes.

Easy Lasagna with Cottage Cheese
Makes 12 servings

Mom always made lasagna with cottage cheese instead of ricotta and this is how I still prefer it. (Turn up your nose if you must but it is lighter and less rich.) For texture closer to ricotta, buzz in blender or food processor for a few seconds

1 pound ground beef
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 28 ounce jars prepared marinara sauce
2 beaten eggs
24 ounces cottage cheese
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 1/2 teaspoons dried basil
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
3 cups shredded Mozzarella cheese
12 no-boil lasagna noodles

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9×13-inch pan with nonstick cooking spray.

Brown ground beef in a skillet over medium heat until no longer pink. Add salt and marinara sauce. Stir to combine and then set aside.

In a medium bowl mix beaten eggs, cottage cheese, Parmesan cheese, basil, garlic powder, onion powder, and 1 cup of mozzarella cheese.

Starting with the sauce, layer the sauce, noodles, and cheese mixture in a 9×13 inch baking dish. (Noodles will not completely cover sauce - they swell as they cook.) Repeat layers twice. Top with remaining 2 cups of mozzarella cheese.

Bake for 40-45 minutes or until brown and bubbly. Let stand for 15 minutes before serving so that it firms up and is easier to cut.

Cottage Cheese Recipes - 2 Easy Baked Pasta Dishes With Cottage Cheese

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 4.05 Mins.

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

Facebook: Twitter: @KokeUSG K Koke Profile: Music video by K Koke feat. RITA ORA performing Lay Down Your Weapons. (C) 2013 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

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Easy Cakes to Make at Home

Samsung Galaxy

Everyone loves a delicious homemade cake. Many people tend not to make cakes because they think it is a difficult and time consuming task. Fortunately, there are easy cake recipes that are perfect for the novice baker and one who has a busy life.

The following are a few easy cakes to make at home:

1.) Sponge Cake: This cake is very easy to make and is light, tasty, and perfect for the family or when entertaining guests.

Ingredients: 4 oz (110g) self raising flour, sifted, 1 tsp baking powder, 4 oz.(110g) soft margarine, 4 oz (110g) sugar, 2 large eggs, 2-3 drops vanilla

The entire baking time from start to finish takes less than an hour.

2.) Ice Cream Cake: A delicious treat children will love.

Preparation time: 20-30 minutes. Freezing time: 8 hours or overnight.

For one 8 inch ice cream cake you will need: 3 c. chocolate ice cream, slightly softened 5 Heath bars or 5 oz. English toffee, coarsely chopped 4 tbsp. chocolate syrup 3 tbsp. coffee liqueur 3 c. vanilla ice cream, slightly softened

3.) Chocolate Cake: Preparation time takes only a few minutes. The result is moist and delicious chocolate cake.

Ingredients: 4 oz (110g)self raising flour, sifted, 1 tsp baking powder, 4 oz (110g)soft margarine, 4oz (110g)sugar, 2 large eggs, 1 tbs. cocoa powder. Filling ingredients:

2 oz (55g) butter or quality margarine, 4 oz (110g) icing/confectioners' sugar, 1 rounded tbs cocoa powder, 2 tsp of milk.

Preheat the oven to 170 deg C, 325 deg F.

Sift the baking powder and flour into a large mixing bowl. Add the other ingredients to the bowl and beat until everything is mixed together. Put half the mixture in each of the prepared pans and place on the centre shelf of the preheated oven for about thirty minutes.

4.)'Fruity' Cake: A delicious and fruity treat for the whole family

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 1 c. salad oil, 2 c. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 2 c. flour, 1 tsp. baking soda

2 tsp. cinnamon, ground, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1/2 c. chopped nuts (optional), 1 can pie filling (apple, cherry, peach, etc.)

When mixed, stir in can of fruit with its syrup. Pour into a greased and floured 9 x 13 inch baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes. Cool.

5.) White Birthday Cake: This is an easy and delicious cake for anyone's birthday.

Ingredients: 2 1/4 cups cake flour (9 ounces), 1 cup whole milk, 6 large egg whites (3/4 cup), 2 teaspoons almond extract, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 3/4 cups granulated sugar (12 1/4 ounces), 4 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon table salt, 12 tablespoons softened unsalted butter (1 1/2 sticks)

Preheat oven to 325 degrees and bake for about 25 minutes.

Easy cake recipes are great for parents on the go. You will not only enjoy eating this delicious treat, but have fun making it. Try making an easy cake today and make sure you share it with friends and family.

Easy Cakes to Make at Home

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 4.05 Mins.

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

Facebook: Twitter: @KokeUSG K Koke Profile: Music video by K Koke feat. RITA ORA performing Lay Down Your Weapons. (C) 2013 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

No URL K Koke feat. RITA ORA - Lay Down Your Weapons

Facebook: Twitter: @KokeUSG K Koke Profile: Music video by K Koke feat. RITA ORA performing Lay Down Your Weapons. (C) 2013 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited


ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

Easy Cakes to Make at Home

Easy Cakes to Make at Home
Easy Cakes to Make at Home

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

Facebook: Twitter: @KokeUSG K Koke Profile: Music video by K Koke feat. RITA ORA performing Lay Down Your Weapons. (C) 2013 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited


ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

Cottage Cheese Recipes - 2 Easy Baked Pasta Dishes With Cottage Cheese

Cottage Cheese Recipes - 2 Easy Baked Pasta Dishes With Cottage Cheese
Cottage Cheese Recipes - 2 Easy Baked Pasta Dishes With Cottage Cheese

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

Facebook: Twitter: @KokeUSG K Koke Profile: Music video by K Koke feat. RITA ORA performing Lay Down Your Weapons. (C) 2013 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited


ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

Easy Cakes to Make at Home

Easy Cakes to Make at Home
Easy Cakes to Make at Home

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

Facebook: Twitter: @KokeUSG K Koke Profile: Music video by K Koke feat. RITA ORA performing Lay Down Your Weapons. (C) 2013 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited


ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free

Easy Cakes to Make at Home

Easy Cakes to Make at Home
Easy Cakes to Make at Home

ThinkThin Protein Bar Gluten Free